Biomythography: Currency

Marton Robinson
Sin Nombre, 2014
6.14 x 2.6 inches
Print on paper
Exhibition Information
Press Release
More about Audre Lorde
Eastside International
Biomythography: Currency
Curated by Chris Christion and Jessica Wimbley
November 14- December 12, 2015|Opening Reception: Saturday, November 14, 7-10PM
Eastside International Los Angeles
602 Moulton Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90031
cur·ren·cy ˈkÉ™rÉ™nsÄ“/
noun: currency; plural noun: currencies
1. A system of money in general use in a particular country.
2. The fact or quality of being generally accepted or in use.
Audre Lorde, self-described as “black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet,” defined the term Biomythography, in her seminal piece Zami: A New Spelling of My Name as “combining elements of history, biography and myth”. The exhibition Biomythography: Currency is the third in a series of exhibitions that seek to investigate biomythography as a visual arts practice, curated by Chris Christion and Jessica Wimbley. Biomythography as Ted Warburton defines is; “the weaving together of myth, history and biography in epic narrative form, a style of composition that represents all the ways in which we perceive the world.” This expansion of perception exposes a multi-faceted, mediated, dimensional, and mutable consideration of self.
Currency investigates multiple forms of currency, in particular, cultural currency and the ways in which they are encoded and decoded in our contemporary culture. Artists in the exhibition engage in mutli-media practices as a means of revealing and navigating cultural currency. They consciously or unconsciously invoke the literary form of Biomythography by fragmenting chronology, uniformity, and narrative. Their works juxtapose historical facts, life experience, pop culture, and mythology; challenging, forming and informing, art history, display, anthropology, identity, and ritual as well as personal, universal, and institutional perspectives and histories.
Artists Include:
Albert Lopez Jr., Marton Robinson, and Glen Wilson
Eastside International Los Angeles
602 Moulton Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90031
Eastside International is located in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood of LA on the grounds of the Brewery Art Colony.