In October I took my first trip to San Jose, Costa Rica to meet with artist Marton Robinson, while there I had the pleasure of doing portfolio reviews with an amazing group of artist, visit San Jose’s Museums and Galleries, and have discussions with some of the towns prominent educators, curators, and institution leaders. Truly one of the most amazing and inspiring experience that I’ve had in the arts. And one I hope to relive in the very near future.
Below is a short photo summary of my visit.
I first got to meet with Miguel A. López the new chief curator for TEOR /éTica a beautiful and progressive exhibiton and research space in San Jose that played host for my artist visits. I was luckly enough to see the inagural exhitions of his new positon two great shows "Read My Lips" and
"Sala Poligráfica - Prognosis en observación" in the main gallery space as well as attend a panel discussion that was part of the exhibitions programing. I admittedly didn't understand much of what was spoken during the panel as I don't speak spanish however I found myself amazed (especially after some of the talk was translated for me) at how easily I could follow along with the discussion despite my language definciancies
I felt that I met a kindred spirit having gotten to briefly visit with Julia Morandeira Arrizabalaga an independent curator and reseracher who deals with" issues of geography, post-colonialism and globalisation, moving-image practices, production and exhibition apparatuses in art and culture, and their inscription as sites of knowledge production." I only wish we had more time to talk as our ideas and projects seemed so happily intune. I strongly recommend checking out her incredible research and exhibition project "Canibalia" which features the work of artist from North and South America, Portugal and Spain and explores the creation, figure, and notion of the cannibal.

Canibalia, exhibition view, Kadist Art Foundation, Paris, 2015,
For more information Click here
I also had the pleasure of meeting with many amazing artist and talking to them at some length about thier work. I was truly amazed by all the artist that I met, a statment that I don't make lightly. I had some wonderful discussions which sometimes ran a little long (thank goodness for Marton keeping me on track sometimes I can't shut up). But every artist I met was incredible, my brain is still trying to process all the great work and exciting discussions but here is a little bit of what I got to expereince.
All and all a very meaningful and inspiring experience.