Comprised is a short list of readings included in the California State University Summer Arts: The Autobiographical as Practice Reading List
An important component in our teaching, writing, curation, and art making is research. In working with students, we provide a series of readings that provides insight to concepts of Biomythography, identity performance, intersectionality, transpersonal narratives, curation/gallery space, and ethnographic research.
Biomythography: CSU Summer Arts Reading List
Transpersonal Approaches to Autoethnographic Research and Writing
Transpersonal Approaches to Autoethnographic Research and Writing
Diana Raab , Institute of Transpersonal Psychology / Sofia University, Palo Alto, California USA
The Qualitative Report 2013 Volume 18, Article 42, 1-18
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Social Identity Performance: Extending the Strategic Side of SIDE
Social Identity Performance: Extending the Strategic Side of SIDE
Olivier Klein, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium Russell Spears, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, Stephen Reicher University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 87, 649-664.
All the World Wide Web’s a stage: The performance of identity in online social networks
All the World Wide Web’s a stage: The performance of identity in online social networks
by Erika Pearson, First Monday, Volume 14, Number 3 2
em about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
Confronting the Concept of Intersectionality: The Legacy of Audre Lorde and Contemporary Feminist Organizations
Dudley, Rachel A. (2006) "Confronting the Concept of Intersectionality: The Legacy of Audre Lorde and Contemporary Feminist Organizations,"McNair Scholars Journal: Vol. 10: Iss. 1, Article 5. Available at: March 2009