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Biomytography: Secret Poetry and Hidden Angers Artist


*THE ADZE Inspired by Autoethnographic Performance as embodied methodological praxis, THE ADZE is moved to break silence within the intersections of space and place.  THE ADZE incorporates work by Audre Lorde, Zami: A New Spelling Of My Name, Gloria E. Anzadúa, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, bell hooks, Outlaw Culture and Race, Gender, and Cultural Politics, along with José Esteban Muñoz', Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics.  Each of these works press up against "majority culture," and have as unifying threads acts of resistance; bodies in culture forming resistive and sometimes migratory identities.  Along with the formation of identity is the physical space people occupy.  Edward W. Soja's concept of trialectics, or "thirding-as-Othering," explores spatiality and spatial thinking--perceived, materialized, and conceived space--which inevitably references Henri Lefebvre, The Production of Space and Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space.  As thematic underpinning is a sermon by Rev. Rod Debs, "Guide My Feet." THE ADZE is compelled to explore Universalist Theology as a philosophy of radical inclusivity with the poetical-politics of gallery space. 

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